What is the difference between kundalini awakening and other symptoms?

What is Kundalini actually?
First thing is to understand what truly kundalini is. The ancient spiritual traditions like Hinduism and yoga call kundalini a “mysterious lifeforce”, while actually this lifeforce is just Mother Earth’s energy that keeps us all alive, see more details in my other explanation here https://www.bodyandsoulascension.com/post/what-is-the-science-behind-awakening-kundalini-1
Therefore, kundalini is actually Earth’s vital force that raises through the Sushumna energy channel along the spine and goes through all chakras from C1 (root chakra) to C7 (crown chakra). Since we are in the 3D vibration world, so quite low as vibration, the chakras are open just in the range 5–20%, whereas C1 is open on average just 5%, meaning the connection with Mother Earth who maintains life in our bodies is rather weak; this explains also why the average human life is not too long.
Don’t mistake awareness with kundalini, they are not the same thing! They are connected, but not identical. Awareness belongs to the soul and mind more, while kundalini to the body energy fields. Unfortunately, Hinduism, Buddhism, and yoga were contaminated a lot along the years by mysticism and confusion, resulting in just dogma and lack of understanding of how higher energy truly travels around Creation, including through people’s bodies.
What are kundalini awakening and its symptoms?
A true kundalini awakening means the energy in your C1 chakra starts to rise in a structured manner and not fall back again. This thing is the result of a process actually, that takes time and effort. It doesn’t just occur suddenly without reason, it’s the outcome of this process. The correct process actually builds up energy into the C1 (chakra 1, root), and then starts to open more the other chakras in a certain sequence: C2. then C3, then C4, and so on, so to open the channel for kundalini to rise. How to do the above is not the aim of this post. If one opens first more C4 and C5 chakras (heart and throat chakras) for instance, the system can get unbalanced and unwanted results like pains might occur, and a general feeling of being unbalanced, since chakras C2 and C3 are still clogged.
Along the process, if the chakras above are open correctly and in the right sequence, then the spiritual might get symptoms of the kundalini rising through the chakras according to improving his corresponding chakras. The principal symptoms are in general feeling more peace inside, fewer fears, feels more balanced than before, feeling less attached to material things, getting a balance between his masculine and feminine aspects and being not only one-sided, better communication with other people, nature, animals. Also getting a higher understanding of the causes of reality around, getting an easier connection with his soul and guides, and so on.
To unclog his chakras, to open the way for kundalini to rise, one needs to release first and foremost his limiting beliefs.
Along these, there are secondary symptoms like some occasional shivers, thrills, etc due to the energy moving through the body. The important thing is not to mistake them with just energy surges that occur in certain circumstances in just about any person, a thing that makes the majority of people that know a bit about spirituality think they hit enlightenment and just got realized just like that, with no effort or very little 😊 Energy surges just come and go, and you are just the same as before…

Confusion between true awakening and energy issues, like head pressure and possessions
For instance, in my healing practice, I get people with all sorts of symptoms like high energy head pressure, or feeling very unbalanced, or starting hearing voices in their heads, etc who went to doctors who didn’t find anything wrong with them after medical scans. They tell me that they got like this because they had a “kundalini awakening” after doing some spiritual procedures. When I scan them I find they actually have their body energy fields shattered, got holes in them, many lost access to Earth energy, and even got alien lower vibration entities stuck in their body energy fields, a situation called partial possession; I then struggle to clean them (exorcism), and it takes time and effort.
I advise that if someone goes through some spiritual experiences like described above, and thinks after reading hundreds of posts and books about spirituality, that he just been appointed by God the next Saviour to first start being humble, and then check with some higher souls he trusts if this is the truth or not, so not to self-delude himself. You have on this site a Readings section, including a free one even, where I can assist you in checking what your soul awareness and body energy status is.
Also, keep in mind that awakening is not enlightenment, awakening is just realizing deeply something might be beyond the reality of your five senses, that’s all. It’s just the first step on a long journey that lies ahead …
You can learn more by reading other posts in my blog https://www.bodyandsoulascension.com/feed in my spiritual site, that are coming from a very different and fresh angle than spiritual mainstream, and based on a very long and personal experience and hands-on research, and not from books.
You might also consider a service like in the Services section of this site from the ones listed there and get a Psychic Readingsspiritual diagnostic, or attend my spiritual School of Body and Soul Ascension Mastery so to raise your body and soul awareness, and reach into higher dimensions.
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